I just don't see it!

Say fellow enthusiasts, I can only think of one REAL WORLD example of how to see things on the other side of the street that might actually make sense.....and of all Humans, it was a Wall Art/Graffiti artist that summed it up for you all .......

It went like this ....

When you hear Birds out singing the first thing in the morning, you say, "that sounds beautiful".....

Even though you have NO IDEA of what the bird is saying and you cannot understand it, you STILL FEEL what the bird is chirping, is beautiful.....

And there's the truth.... although you cannot understand something, DOES NOT mean it is NOT beautiful....

Fact is, that bird might be saying, "f*ck you all 2 legged walking upright pale faced bastards-I hope you die" .....but yet and still, your wife will ask you to wake up with them AND coffee and you'll agree unknowingly.....

You don't have to understand something for IT to be beautiful....