A public reading of the Declaration of Independence July 4, 1776

Glad you enjoyed it.
Just keep in mind its pretty much entirely fictional.
That's pretty much the norm for all movies set in 18th and even 19th century.
Surprising the musical 1776 had as much historical basis as one could hope for from a play/movie.
For the American Revolution there isn't a single film that I can think of that is particularly good as far as history goes.
Drums Along the Mohawk is one of the better ones - based loosely on the events at and around Ft Stanwix in 1777.

In terms of books, there's a pretty good selection of pretty readable non-fiction.
There's a few ways to look at historical 'truth', but we too often see is a confusion between what is fact and what is narrative.
History is making a narrative based on evidence or tradition.
The challenge for us today in the US is encouraging people to make connections that they can relate to, without distorting the facts or dismissing how others make that connection.
When we see or hear people say a new narrative is the only true history, that is a zero sum game. It is no better than those that said the old narrative was the only true history.
Both are wrong. The only 'true history' is the evidence. As the body of evidence grows, we learn new things and sometimes the stories change and more often they just get richer and grow different dimensions.