L.A 360..Magnum ?

Can you do everyone here a favor and show us the time slip that you ran 93mph with your 360 in the 1/8th .

We look forward to seeing it.

That was 2004, com'on, it wasn't that big a deal to me.
If I'd have known I was someday gonna be called out on it on a Forum I hadn't yet even heard of, I mighta kept track of it's whereabouts. The only reason I was there, was because a buddy kept bugging me to run against his "oh-so-hot tunnel-rammed-340."
We both have same cars; his was 340/A833/4.30s to my 367/Commando-833/GVod/3.55s. The 4.30s were mine that I loaned to him, lol, on a spool. The buddy thought his hot 340 could take me. I said lets go to the track.
It wasn't even close.
My secret weapon is gear splitting; Mathematically, I was expecting to trap at hi 80s at high 5000s; (230Hughes cam). But that lil 367 hit 7000 out of the gate and stayed there all the way to the traps; I'm not kidding; the tach was "stuck" on 7000, I rode it like that from out of the 60 ft, to the trap, guessing when to shift. I really thought the clutch was smoked, but kept my foot in it, when she stayed off the rev-limiter (7200).
First/first-over/Second/ and second-over, trapping, one track official said, still hazing the 325/50-15 BFG DRs (yeah it was a shitty track). Another track official wandered over to my parking spot and recommended I drop my tire pressure. OK I said, not telling him that the pressure he had just recommended was already in there, lol.
This was an old airport runway, so no scales. I had scaled the car, the day before on a nearby truck scale at 3457 pounds.
ET was 7.92 with a 2.2plus 60ft.
My buddy don't bug me no more, lol. But we're still good friends. And yes I got my 4.30s back about a week later, which I later sold to a different friend.

The gear splits on that combo are .78-.80-.78, which, shifting at 7000 should be an rpm drop of 1470rpm. We both know that a 7000 shift rpm is way too high for this combo. I drove it like I drive it on the street.
The 230* cam probably peaks closer to 5200/5400. So a better shift rpm mightabin 5600/5700 . and then, the rpm drop woulddabin 1200 or less. But like I said, it was a one-run deal, to shut my buddy up; and all the DAs who ever told me that I shouldda built a 340 cuz you know, everybody just knows that the 340 is King of the hill..... . Had the car not run this number, I mighta made a few more runs that day, but I was good with what it did.
Yeah, I was surprised too. I even went immediately back to the booth and inquired as to the veracity of his equipment; but he said no one else was complaining. I even went to talk to the guy in the other lane who I ran against (TnT), but no He said, his time looked right on, and his speed was faster. So I did my due-diligence.
Well there ya go;
hot street 340s @3450, don't usually get out of the 80s, do they. My buddy's car is a lil lighter than mine, and altho I don't remember his trapspeed, I think it was in the range of 84 to 87, still pretty hot, given that crappy track.
Please notice that nowhere in this post did I diss the tail-light-sucking 340, lol........
Oh yeah I shouldda mentioned, my buddy runs the Mopar 292/292/108 cam, as compared to my Hughes 276/286/110; as if that makes a difference, lol.. And he runs the 2.66-1.92-1.40-1.00 box compared to my 3.09-2.41-1.92-1.50/ 1.40-1.09-1.00-.78od GVod in red. Both are 68 Barracudas.

Even if I hadda kept that lil scrap of paper, the ink on it 17 years later, would have long ago faded into oblivion. Like I said; to me it was no big deal, I was just there to quiet the 340 worshipers.