i'm in the doghouse

Maybe funny, maybe not.
The step son 28 with 2 degress and a wife with RN Nursing degree. He has been teaching H.S. Ag. for the last five years, and just got hired into that school district's mgr type position. What ever these guys do? Starts tis week. Yes, today is Mon. July 5th and is the holiday! His wife was getting off work at the hospital and called and asked why he was not headed to work. Yes today, Mon. The holiday! ha So he heads to work so that he is certain today is actually the holiday! ha again/
This 28 year old kid is super smart, has plenty of common sense, as does is wife. BUT he is a total perfectionist, always has to be the very best at everything. He would be crushed not to win the sack race.
He calls my wife his mother, as says he will come over 80 mi trip to pick up his diplomas on our wall to put in is new office. He did not have an office at his teaching job. Meanwhile we are discussing it all and I say he is totally ANAL! Problem is she stuck her phone in her pocket and the line was still open, he hears it all! He is pissed, butt hurt, you name it!
I will say it again! So he is pissed, butt hurt bad, and says just mail him his diplomas!!!!
Next time he comes by I will appologize.... and maybe add that just maybe he is somewhat anal!!!!
He can smack this 73 year old man in the face if it makes him feel better. Guess I should NOT think it all funny!!?? LOL
I say if u lay your head down on the pillow & you're thinking about it maybe make ammends, if you don't lose sleep it's probably not that bad. That's my gauge for saying sorry