Turbo six on a Budget

In my gut i knew this i was just hoping to get around the machine shop cost. Look over all your comments i am realizing that is going to be more that expected what is a rough estimate (I can google prices all day but there are hidden costs and with everyone here being more experienced than me you will have a better idea at a rough price)
hard to say im in a totally different area than you! we got machine shops all over the place, im way out in country and got a machine shop with chassis ans engine dynos a mile up the street and 3 more within 20 miles! find a shop thats willing to listen to you and willing to explain to you to!! itll take a lil longer but the end results will be worth it with durability and longevity! thats alot better than building,..then rebuilding over and over! look in turbo build section on slantsix.org and study while ya saving money up! get your plain together and follow it, youll be miles of smiles ahead in the end!