Turbo six on a Budget

They're pretty tough, but you never know. United engine sells the 1291H hyper pistons for the 2.2 that works with the 198 rod. Those are what I have on my 198 rods for my next build. I have a set of the 1293H pistons that are new I am not going to use, but they are flat tops with a single trough valve relief and would require a thicker head gasket to get compression down to be turbo friendly, but they could be made to work. The piston material isn't the most critical thing, the ring gaps are. As long as you run the correct ring gaps, you'll probably be ok.
What do you think would be the better option. How well would a turbo engine run without a turbo? If I don’t upgrade the pistons then I will have blow by because I would have the stock cylinder walls. I don’t see a good option here but to save for the whole build all at once.