Vacuum advance

Yea I get that. I have not stated anything about how im gonna tune or setup my vacuum I simply have read and politely thanked everyone for their information. But im all over the place and don't understand a damn thing according to him, why because I thanked someone with a different opinion than his?? Clearly he has a ton of knowledge and is a smart guy but im not gonna be spoken down to! Not here or anywhere else!

That's why I'm keepin it civil. I really want you to try timing it both ways, so you can see the difference for yourself. You'll see hands on that each way of running the vacuum can has its own different curve. You'll learn it for yourself.....and you decide which you like better. "I" have never liked running manifold vacuum on the advance can......but you might. A lot of people do. I can guarantee you one thing. The mileage will fall off in comparison. But that's neither here nor there really. We're mostly discussing the running differences.....and they are some. You'll see. Keep us posted on what you come up with.