Single speed wiper switch decoding

Continuing my rewiring project I've come to find that my Ron Francis kit doesn't have provisions for the heater or wiper switch. My car is a '65 Barracuda with a single speed wiper switch. I'd prefer to have variable wipers but it's what I have.

Here's my trouble: the large color poster wiring diagram from (which is fantastic, btw) doesn't show detail for the wiper switch. The service manual on page 8-97 of the wiring diagrams show the single speed switch but it differs from the switch I have in hand. I don't understand the symbols shown in the diagram in the service manual.

But here's a good photo of what I have. Can someone explain to me which terminals connect where? The motor itself has a single two-wire pigtail connector with one green and one brown wire. This also differs from both of my diagrams.


wiper switch.jpg