Weight loss and perseverance

Pretty impressive Dave! looking good.
a lot has to be said about maintaining health as we get older. I have been dealing with leg pain for the past 5 months. Walking was difficult but doable.
So any form of exercise was impossible.
Dr was lining up all sorts of tests.
I booked an appt at the physiotherapist and 3 weeks later its gone. A pinched nerve.
5 months of suffering. Go figure.

so, has your vision improved? last time we chatted it was slowly going back to normal.
Hi Frank, glad your leg/hip is getting better!

My vision is still fubar and only slightly improved since last we spoke. Damn Covid stole half of my sight in my left eye...but not my life.

I’m adapting to what I expect will be a vision imparement that persists for the rest of my days.

So be it.

I will persevere...