Today, dollar for dollar, is the 318 faster than the 340 ???

This has been my argument for decades but mostly for the other LA that this thread is not about. Around here 340's are pricey. Hell i was just at Carlisle and I didn't see any affordable 340's.
so the extra grand or so dropped on a 340 core put into a sub 100 dollar 318 goes a long way.
If you don't have three grand to spend and need to go as fast as you can as cheaply as you can ,which is the situation I've been in most of my life, you just sort of forget 340's exist as they are way too pricey.
Go to car shows and talk to some of the boomers who just spend money and don't really build anything. They think there is something magical about a 340 and will argue all day long that no other small black build can touch it.Yet they are quick to idle into their enclosed trailer when its time to put up or shut up.
Objectivity never enters into it. Quarter mile times and dyno sheets are considered blasphemy.