Train your wife in five easy lessons

I don't want to "learn" how to train my wife.
I just want HER to learn to do what I tell her to do, and for HER to learn to NOT do the the things I tell her Not to Do.
Like spending $1000 a month, when there is only $500 in the bank. .....

And no, I don't want to see my wife naked any more, cuz she don't listen!
>One time, I told her I was a lil concerned about her weight gain. That was about a hundred pounds ago.
>I thought I had about two years of cash stashed for a rainy day, But she don't listen! In 15 months, it's as good as gone. I know I didn't spend a nickle of it..................
>I told her; Next summer I will be forced to sell the house if this keeps up. She said; so sell it then.
>Honey I said; you know those porkchops you so dearly love? Well they love you too; so much so that they keep hanging around and have set up camping on your butt. Along with the beer,pizza, and taters. Butt not just on your butt anymore...
>honey, you know how you have balance problems, and are always banging into things? Well blame it on those sticky spare-ribs, chicken-wings, and the special sauces; I think they like the one side more than the other. Butt at night, they get together and play games, and by morning they are camping out in different places. So you never know on which side to hang the "Wide-Load" sign.
>Honey I said, who's gonna help you off the couch when I'm not here? I told you; diet and exercise. Social media is killing you. Go mow the lawn, paint the shed, shingle the roof, etc. then you can have ONE porkchop, not the whole dozen. Eat you veggies too. No!, leave the beer alone.
>She don't listen. I got extra pallbearers on standby, so they can change off every few steps.
>Yaknow it's so funny; she bought cushions to put on the front seat of the car. What's that about? she's already got EIGHT inches of cushion glued to her butt; I would think that she would need less seat-cushion,not more. Then she leans the seatback waaay back, and puts a cushion in there too! What's that about? There is so much padding on her back already that when she sweats it runs down the center and leaves a trail on the sidewalk!
>Nope, I don't want to ever see my wife naked any more.
>I think her left leg is bigger than my waist........ ok that part is an exaggeration,lol. I might have an inch on her,there. But you could probably put two of me in the pants she wears;
>I know exactly where my Emergency fund went; I see it every time she walks away from me, and I ain't never getting it back.
>anybody wanna buy a nice 4 bedroom older home?