
Kids are sorta like pets in a way; always hanging around looking for handouts.
The thing is; pets eventually die, long before you do, and so you get your life back, lol.
Oh sure, your dog is all lovey-dovey and stuff, drooling all over the place, but somebody has got to take care of him. Every stinking day. I am not the guy who needs a dog for company. In fact I veto'ed having a dog for the first 40 years of our marriage, because I didn't want another responsibility. I got enough chit to do.
But the misses begged and begged, so I said fine; you take care of him then. Now here we are, me with scoop in hand, and buying bags of stinking dogfood. I really thought I was done with that when the kids got married and moved on. Man was I naive................ You cannot un-Father yourself, and no matter how much I want something, I'll never be able to afford it cuz;
"honey" , #2 kid needs ....... such and such; or #3 needs help with..... ; or #1, bless her heart needs nothing, but shes coming over for the weekend, so ............
Ok so; I finally got it figured out; All I got to do is keep my nose to the grindstone, for a few more years, not looking to the left nor to the right, just work until I die, so the kids can drool all over my wife.

Now, before one of you rips me a new one, be advised, that I really really love my kids and their children. But hang on a sec; I'm 68 years old and broke! covid killed what little future I mighta had. So go suck an egg.