Installed measurement needed

it would suck for sure if I had to take this pan off again just for another poorly manufactured part. I did experience some of this on initial install. Reading the manual it clearly states to use the late model crank sensor but never says to use the old one for non vvt engines. 2 mopar sensors with no signal, then I threw a sensor for the 6.1 in and it was good, also noted that the sensors called for in the set up drop downs don't fit the harness. These systems are designed for vvt drop in's even though they have 36-2-2 files, 1 waste spark and 1 dual cop every thing else is 5.7 and 6.4 vvt,dbw,mds. On the dyno we will make sure to look at the ignition waves. As far as the wiring went, after all was said and done and holley told me I was on my own with the first kit (which was direct from them, but they say this problem exceeded the 90 day warranty and thats why I should've registered it as soon as I received it, not installed it, even though it was a 3 weeks old when I first called the authorized dealer with the issue) I sat down with the diagram and it hit me the pins are in the right order, wrong plug. As the installer you wouldn't see it with the sleeving on, you just blindly connect the connectors to the coil drivers. The damage wasn't pretty, toasted (cracked)4 DUI coils,4 autozone coils of which one flamed when the internals melted, then the fuse blew. I'm back to a new set of DUI's and everything is cool (relatively)
