Synthetic Oil - good or bad?

The concept we are destroying the Earth is pure bullshit. It's the invention of liberals. It's the propaganda they feed to the masses in order to train their thought processes.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but even synthetic oil comes from oil. The few that don't come from other hydrocarbon-based substances, i.e. gas or oil. It might be synthesized, but it's not synthesized from air, wind, good feelings, or pubic hair.

Every anti-oil moron out there needs to make a pledge to the environment, and abide by it. That's right, it must agree to forsake the following, once and for all:

Oil, including all lubricants used in all services
Plastic anything
95% of all medicines
95% of all medical supplies including hypodermic syringes
All hospital stays including ER visits, breast enlargements, and transsexual operations
Iphones and all other cell phones
All computers and electronic devices of any sort
Automobiles and all other forms or powered transportation, including electric cars and sailboats
All forms of recorded music
All movies and TV
All music created on amplified devices
So, become Amish?