Valve lash.. Hot /cold ? How hot is hot?

How does the mass affect the total expansion? I'd think it would only alter the rate at which expansion occurs (since it takes longer to heat up all that iron and reach thermal equilibrium)...

Very interesting point on your own lash measurements. Thanks for contributing your experience!

On the subject of automotive urban legends... I have quit banging my head against the wall with those people who keep repeating that "coolant moving too fast through the radiator means it doesn't have time to give up heat". Forget thermodynamics, it must be so since it's been said before I was born, etc. :realcrazy:

The mass of the castings and even the shape of the castings will change how and where a casting grows. The heat in the head and block is much higher than the heat in the pushrods. Localized heat in the heads is much higher than the pushrods. Changes in engine coolant temps will change how much the lash changes from cold to hot.