What Have We Become?

I got my drivers in June of 69, so I as flying around in my new-to-me 1957 BelAir. As far as I was concerned; Tv was for kids, old men, bored moms and other assorted losers. My grandma who was near 70 at the time, said it never happened. Decades later, nasa all but admitted they faked it. I don't know what to believe, and don't care to waste time thinking about it. But the published debriefing video, and the "blue marble", speak volumes about it.
The milestones in my life are; see below.
I don't gibachit about leaving the surface of the Earth in a rocket, except to say it's a colossal waste of money, and a colossal waste of time, and a colossal deception, and a colosal intrusion into a space we don't belong, and at that time, had no idea what the heck they were doing.
Or just maybe, they did...... and those days have led straight to these days.