Best weapon for Concealed Carry advise

As a Defensive Firearms Coach with all kind of NRA (Wayne must go) Instructors tabs it is just super cool to listen to all the commentary and different views. The most common comment is you must train and practice. There is nothing more important and valid than that statement. As many of you know I travel all over the Country competing and teaching with everything from revolvers to ARs to sawed off shotguns. Right up to how to dial 911, don’t laugh! I can assure you shooting skill is a perishable skill set. And I cannot tell you how many folks I see come thru our classes and seriously reevaluate their own equipment by lunch time. I always carry a couple of spare belt, gun, and holster rigs for the guy that simply cannot get his gun out of the holster. Or the guy that has a gun that jambs relentlessly. If you guys get bored check out some training videos on the PDN network.
