Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good Morning all!!
Outside painting, caulking, and yardwork.
Spent all day until 9pm Saturday, and 10 hours Sunday. I was so tired last night I had trouble sleeping. Makes no sense.
Saturday evening I mowed. I was mowing the slope as we call it. It's a very steep slope (like 50 degrees) that you can only mow going downhill.
On this slope are three small birch tree stumps. I cut the trees down a couple weeks ago. I need to get the stumps grinded but haven't because of the...yep the slope.
As I slowly went down hill I decided maybe to try and trim around one side of the the stumps. It's only a slight left turn...bad idea. As I did the mower starts slowly sliding sideways. I try to straighten it out and high center on the stump. From where I sat I was 20 yards from the bottom. Turned it all off, and just sat there for a moment. I was sitting on three wheels and a stump.
I ended up blocking the rear tires, and cutting the small stump with the chain saw and putting some dirt under the free front tire.
I was able to back it up 20 feet to the driveway...yeee haw!! Weed eater from now until I get the stumps grinded.