uncle tony's garage gets called out by the roadkill guys

UTG is what he is, but how a guy can have such a hard on for junk is beyond me. I mean when you are a kid and cant afford anything thats one thing, but eventually you get a job and buy the car ya want. the junk is a necessity when you are a kid in high school workin' part time...as far as the plugs go, I think thee used to be an air powered spark plu g cleaner that sandblasted them clean..I seem to recall...:) used plugs, thats right up UTG alley:)

I think he smokes used cigs n destroys cylinder heads...probably wears used underware n buys used tires, fornicates with used flogged out 'Sidewalk Sallys' n also snorts blow from 4th person dealers and has diarrhea constantly from it. A poor unfortunate soul. :eek::D
This thread is pretty awesome.:steering::popcorn: