Last one to post in this thread wins!

I worked a flood control job on the Tijuana River when I was an apprentice in the late 70s.
Saw a lot of things I could have gone without seeing.
Playing Dodge the Immigrant on I 5 at 4 in the afternoon was always fun.
Little grade stakes called Hubs, 12" long 1x2s, they're what you check the grade from, set by the surveyors.
We had to bury them every afternoon so they wouldn't be stolen overnight.
Dig them out the following morning.
If the immigrants were caught, they threw all their money in the brush, however much money they had on them determined how far they got sent back across the border, no money, cut them loose in Tijuana, come back to find the money next day.
Dirt crew caught on to that real fast, when they saw them get busted, park the machine and go dig through the brush.
Groups of 30 or 40 at a time would get into the asparagus fields and those deep rows and just disappear at precisely the time the Border Patrol changed shifts.
I bet you've seen a lot and I have no clue on how to deal with it.