Recommend an AC system for my 68 Barracuda

I definitely agree to replace everything and rebuild the under dash. I was curious if parts were available (evap coil, etc). Where is a good source? Im sure parts stores would not have anything anymore. Do you have to go to a place like Classic Industries?

I also was actually preferring to go with a Sanden compressor anyway. Brackets are not an issue, as things will be somewhat hot rodded and custom anyway. I am not looking for a stock appearing engine. Is there a specific Sanden model number that you or other people seem to like?

Sorry if it seems like I'm just sitting here hoping to get handouts on the information. This entire project just started in my head a few hrs ago and I found this thread. Its getting late and I dont want to go down the rabbit hole of google anymore tonight! I do appreciate everything I've been given so far!

508? I think is a popular Sanden number? Whichever one is most popular and not out of this world. But do be careful, as there are a LOT of really crappy ones. READ the fine print and steer clear of things like "Sanden type". Translation: "Fits where a Sanden does but is a total POS"

As far as replacement parts such as drier and whatnot, I always check my local big box stores first. Often they can get what you need with no stupid shipping charges involved.