Stop in for a cup of coffee

Morning Mopar family. I'm out soon taking my older neighbor out to breakfast.
His wife is out of town for the week and he's bored.
He asked if he could go with me this morning, and help at the new place.
Sure, I'm not passing up good help offers!!
Well it was a good day lots done.
Neighbor stayed a few hours. We had a good time.
I worked away waiting for my usual call. Cheryl on her way home from work, which is my que to head home for supper.
Apparently my phone lost power and I didn't notice the missed calls. My new neighbor (LEO) who worked for me long ago was sent by her to check on me. He arrived and replied "His phone died, he didn't" haha!!
Hope ya all had a great day, time to do some back reading and catch up.