74 power wagon dream truck...

I'm asking you about your estimates, if you wouldn't mind sharing.
That's what two of them asked me...
First guy that I went to over in Washington that I'd take another customer's cars to said he didn't have time for it for the most part and wanted me to take it to have sandblasted before he'd touch it. And I said I'd had enough sandblasting and still I'm trying to get the sand out of the damn thing. There was Amazon prime trucks everywhere and he said he's got fleet accounts now and really isn't doing much in the way of nostalgic car repair. Basically said if I bring it back with all the body work done he'd charge 1500 to 2 Grand to shoot the cabin doors.. I SAID GOODBYE HAVE A NICE DAY.. I went on to the second guy or I was headed that way and got a text message from him that he won't be in at 10:00 a.m. like you said and he won't be in the shop till somewhere around noon. I said text me when you get there I'm going to take it to other shops.. I went to another shop and he kept asking me how much I had to spend on it.. I left him and said have a nice day.. I drove to the third shop cool Old hippie biker dude said $1,400.. problem here was when I looked at his shop he was old and had too many projects and had a nephew who he admittedly didn't know crap standing on cars from time to time. It looked like a dirty version of purgatory.. he said to call in 3 weeks I should have a nice day I'll talk to you later... I'm not taking my truck to be left there forever... When I left his place at about 1:30 in the afternoon I just gotten a text from the guy who said he'd be back at noon at 1:15. I went home and had a snack and since the truck was still on the trailer I went ahead and took the half hour drive down to his place. This was in some back alley CD multiple garage industrial hell area with tons of garages doing what looked like shotty body work. And this guy had two of those garages one with a truck and a bunch of junk and one turned into this extremely crude dirty makeshift paint booth. His first reply was how much do I want to spend and I said how much would you charge to do this cab indoors? He said 2300 but just kept going on about his own projects and his car going to Seema and all this kind of crap all of that I wasn't interested in hearing about. His ad says he does 74 and older stuff and has a $1,500 special for doing complete cars. That was $2,300 for a cab and doors when I got there. And his dad said 9 days to 2 weeks and then he was talking about 3 weeks when I got there. And then he said he had a contract that specifically said he would call me at least every 3 weeks which means it wouldn't be done in 3 weeks I just get a call in 3 weeks telling me it's not done.. I thanked them first time and finally went home and unloaded the truck... It was a long day and I can't say it was wasted because now I know it's out there and doing it myself is the only way I'm going to be happy with it...