Today, dollar for dollar, is the 318 faster than the 340 ???

I didn't miss it. I got it.....MY point was that there are always exceptions.

And I've said he was right before in this thread.....using the narrow parameters he laid out. If you use a funnel, there's only one place what's put in it can go. LOL

I completely agree with nothing and a 3K dollar cash outlay, the 318 will very likely come out on top. I've agreed early on and I still do.

I simply don't like being constrained in little boxes......because life is not that way.
To throw in all of life's variables would make the conversation pointless. I mean, I COULD find a 440 magnum complete and in great shape for 50 bucks at the widow's sale..... That's why I funneled it to specific: Has the 318 become the BETTER choice than the 340 in todays market prices?? 30 years ago the answer would have been NEVER! But today ????? I say yes, the 318 is a better choice than the 340 with a restricted budget.