Today, dollar for dollar, is the 318 faster than the 340 ???

Agree. Show me how its done and prove it with dyno numbers and/or elapsed times or it didn’t happen. I’ve posted my own ETs which are laughable. Nothing to be ashamed of.

Or, show us all these young men 4 door Dart drivers who are perfectly happy with their $3k 318. Don’t all jump up at once now!

I still don’t get the comparison anyway. If you’re constrained by such a small budget then save up until you can do something worthwhile because once you spend the money its gone. No one is going to give you any return on your investment if you try to sell it down the road. As soon as you get the next itch to make more power you’re back at square one.

I’ve been playing guitar for about 35 years. Early on I learned the value of better equipment. I struggled the first few years because its tough to learn on junk that doesn’t sound good, falls apart, won’t stay in tune etc.

My playing improved dramatically and rapidly when I bought my first real gear. It was like “oh, this is what it’s supposed to sound like!”

I was in my late teens-early 20’s and to that point I had never spent real money on anything because I didn’t have it. I horse traded, scraped and saved until I had the funds to buy good stuff. Totally worth it and still have the same stuff to this day. Ir’s still awesome too, I’ll never get rid of it.

People ask me if they should buy cheap starter guitars for their kids because they don’t want to spend the money on a real instrument. I tell if them if they want the kid to succeed, give them the equipment which will give them the best chances to do so. Seen it many times where the parents think that “junior” guitar or drum kit will spark some interest but three weeks later the kids have lost interest because the equipment sucks. Whatever they saved by being cheap is reflected in a closet full of crap that gets used once or twice and then its garbage.

Same deal with a 318.
Put the right guy on a cheapo guitar ..... Or a beginner on a expensive guitar.... I bet the cheapo guitar will sound better...... :D :D