Today, dollar for dollar, is the 318 faster than the 340 ???

I think you got exactly what you were looking for when you started this thread, 21 pages of :mad:. :poke:
Good talk (figuratively speaking because we typed actually) :lol:

However I think until 318 guys can show a 300 hp 318 for $3 K ...hell ill even give ya a handicap and let ya get away with '275 HP? but in the end Ill say " a well tuned 340 will hit 300 horse..." 318 WR heres your chance to do a long Youtube series put your money where your Posts(mouth ) is...

and most pro guitar players will play junk for the camera then toss it aside when the camera is turned off...any gigging guitar player will at the least buy a Fender Mexican which go for $650 now, then upgrade later as they get some coin. Only a crackhead will buy a $150 Squier off Craigslist and play a gig. I knw a bit about musicians and gigging. Drug addict musicians with cheap/no gear are the worst.