How much does temperature affect motor?

You are pig fat (to quote yellow rose) everywhere. Get that choke wired open completely or take the blade off all together if you don’t use it. Check the fuel level in your bowls and adjust them if necessary, replace the main jets with 72s, check you’re power valve (should be a 6.5 you can suck on it to tell if the diaphragm is ruptured), flip the carb upside down and set the transfer slot opening to just slightly over square, adjust the needles to 1.5 turns out, and put it back on and start the engine. First thing to look for is fuel dribbling out of the boosters with it running. There should be none. If there is, check the fuel level in bowls first, then check the needles. Then, and only then, you can start to tune it. Stay with it you’ll get it dialed in.