Today, dollar for dollar, is the 318 faster than the 340 ???

bottom line is if somebody is a "340 only" guy, they'll kick, fuss and do everything but be realistic. You'll get the "you just hate 340's. hater hater hater"... LOL. It is not hard to say "yes, if you are limiting the budget to 3k and a guy has to buy the engine as part of the 3k at fair market value, I can see where the 318 is probably going to perform better at the drag way. " No way will a true 340 ONLY guy ever get himself to say that. Cannot happen, period. They'll literally disown their kids before they say that. Why? I have no idea, and I love 340's !

I rather a zero decked 328 with speedmaster heads air gap xe275hl etc.. Then a refreshed 340.