Today, dollar for dollar, is the 318 faster than the 340 ???

Depends on which year 318 vs which year 340 doesn't it? Are we taking about a race or a dyno pull. The OP staes "faster" I woul think that means a race. there are alot of variables, I would thing the cars would need to be near identical in weight, with compararble drivers, same gearing and trans etc.etc. But I dunno I am kind of stupid I suppose...:)
no you're spot on, they'd need to be very similar spec which'd be hard to put together so a dyno session would probably be best. it is a theoretical discussion at the end of the day and i'm glad all the animosity and abuse seems to have died down. as i said previously we're all car guys and mopar guys at that. if we all liked/had the same thing it'd be pretty boring i think you'd agree, we may as well get new jelly mould/belly button cars. :thumbsup: