The "Throw Away 318"

That’s a nice setup but u can also only push so much oil out the pressure/volume side. U may not need all the oil but it is nice to have. Kim
That is where the Sanborn mod makes sense.

Open oil passages from the pump, including the pump itself, to the oil filter and back to the right side lifter gallery out to a full 1/2 inch... and open all crank oil journal feed holes from 7/32" to 9/32 or 5/16. Most blocks will take 5/16 but start with 9/32". There are more mods but these are the main issues with low flow with high pressure.

Also open the 4 filter plate holes to 3/8" and or add 4 more holes too.

All Magnum blocks are 1/2 inch feed and 5/16" main bearing feed, and have 6 holes in the filter plate..

"U may not need all the oil but it is nice to have."
For Sure Man, For Sure.
Put it to work for ya, not wasted.