Today, dollar for dollar, is the 318 faster than the 340 ???

What if the 340 block is 1k? Wouldnt you snatch that up and save up another 500 bucks or even 750 to get the 340?? I would. I’d rather save and have something worth having that building stuff like I have to live hand to mouth.
I guess the phrase "worth having" is a matter of perspective. To me a used up sub par 340 isn't worth having. I think the mopar R blocks can be had for $1000. For the most part most people just want the notoriety of saying they have a 340. $1000 for 22hp that's .2 in the quarter on the street you will never notice the difference. 340 doesn't have a longer life span when in use.

The 360's make a little less hp per second than a 318 so the difference there isn't as large as what some people would lead you to believe.