Today, dollar for dollar, is the 318 faster than the 340 ???

I appreciate your phony concern. It’s as worthless as your silly threads. Just to be clear, in your world you can build a 318 that will run circles around a 340 for 3k, and for the 340 to be equal to it you need to spend 10k. That’s what you changed the thread up to be. I say I’d rather save my money and spend 1k for a 340 block (there was one on here for sale a week or two ago for probably 500 bucks if you wanted it and it was standard bore too) but by god no one can save up and extra 1000.00 dollars because they are all dirt poor, untrained in money management and budgeting so they can’t save up some money to upgrade to the 340. That is your world. Block are out there. You have to look. Oh wait, that must cost money too. I suggest you spend your time working out of your fantasy world. There is only one Uncle Tony and we don’t even need him. You being you is just redundant.