Today, dollar for dollar, is the 318 faster than the 340 ???

do some research,..lots of folks have done it,..coarse it needs sonic checking first!!! just cause you ant done it or dont like it dont make it not true!!! but we all already know itll just piss you off for somebody to go 4.040 and not spend that 340 money!!

Not at all. I don’t care if a 318 can go 4.040 but I’d love to see the sonic test. If ring seal doesn’t matter then that’s probably ok. What makes you think I’m pissed off? Calling out jokers like you and 318WR should be more commonplace. Do what you want, just don’t tell me how good or cool it is and then set up some stupid rules to make the OP sound like a genius when in reality he is just playing for an audience. It’s sad really.