Today, dollar for dollar, is the 318 faster than the 340 ???

Oh yes, I hate UT. That’s the fallback when you have nothing. He is a hack. How is that hate? The guy has an audience that apparently you crave. No hate here, just reality. Your concern means nothing to me. Just calling out someone who sets up a thread with silly nonsense money rules so he can look like he’s a smart guy. Don’t be a hack. Like I said, UT has that covered. And play that hate card somewhere else. It’s a classic cop out.
If the thread is so silly, why are you here ??? LOL... and again, what did UT do to you??? Let me guess, you can't stay out of his channel either. Every video, you are watching and disgruntled. I sure hope you find happiness in your own life.
And the most sincere "best of wishes" I can give you.... Find Happiness !!!!

Now, I lead by example, I chose not to spend another 3 seconds on another of your posts. So, I'll click the ignore :)