Today, dollar for dollar, is the 318 faster than the 340 ???

I get periods where money is no object but I also look for deals. Like alot of us here I have been scrounging parts for years, but when it gets close to finishing the car money spends quicker or should I say I get in a hurry when in a hurry things cost more. I always say if you want something done fast throw money at it. Now in a few years when Im retired? hopefully the car is "done" and I can keep it running with gas in it I may have to retrofit to 'electric" drivetrain Ill have a electric drivetrain with Sox and Martin hemi noise pumped through the bose speakers LOL!

I admit, I look for deals.....but I also look for JUNK I think I can make GOOD again. It's a sickness. I absolutely LOVE taking something someone else would have thrown away and making it good again. I always have.