Today, dollar for dollar, is the 318 faster than the 340 ???

That's why he takes time and money to do builds that average guy can and documents them here and on youtube.

Like This one
$500 budget to make 318 Duster is fast as stock 73 340 Duster.

my Low dollar 318 hop-up project

There should be no bickering at all the 318 side says yes we agree a 340/360 is a better platform to start with but we feel a 318 does have a lot of potential if one choose to play with one. The bickering only comes cause the 340/360 feels cause they wouldn't bother with a 318 no one should and feel the need to tell us over and over and over again. It would be like us going on every 340/360 threads and going on and on about big blocks non stop. There's always more views on 273/318 threads cause more people have them and looking for ideas what to do to them, if you have a 340/360 it's already well documented what to do with them.

Like I’ve already mentioned I’m not a 318 hater, I just wouldn’t use one or recommend one as a base for a performance build.

This has all been hypothetical so I have a hypothetical question. Your a young aspiring gear head, you’ve worked and saved your money for a project. You find a Dart/Valiant/Duster/Scamp with a very tired 318, cheap. After buying it you have $3000 left over to rebuild you engine. Now you find an equally tired complete 360 for $100 (and yes I know where there is one right now for that much). Assume both engines need to be bored and a complete rebuild.

Which engine would you build?

No hate or innuendo intended.

I know what I’d do, I’d buy a junkyard ls, stuff it in a fox body and try to beat it to death. LOL