
Almost sound like we need to let Mother Nature start over...."We had to burn the village to save it..." (Peter Arnett's fake Vietnam era 'quote')
In some areas we need to go with that strategy but in areas that are too dense we need to thin by mechanical means and also burn. Then continue to let the not so intense fires burn at will. We need to educate property about wends on proper burning techniques and encourage them to burn in the good weather windows. Instead we get a lot of land owners burning illegal fires in fire weather and they sometimes turn into major fires. They just don’t know because it’s so discouraged that no officials have ever educated them on when and how to burn.
Timber harvesting is also something that needs to come back. There are actually studies now that says the spotted owl population has suffered more from wildfires than logging. Wildfires that grew to the intensities they otherwise wouldn’t have if responsible harvesting would have taken place.