Guess that noise

OK that is definitely an oil supply issue there on the main bearings you have pictured.

Cut your oil filter open and see what is in it. It could just be plugged. Check the paper element with a magnet to see if you can pick up steel debris.

What kind of oil pressure was the engine running?

If all the main bearings look like that, you can bet all the rod bearings are going to be scored too.

Oil pump picks up oil from pan then filters it, then on to lubricate the rest of the engine.

Looks like you did a major rebuild to the 360, were all oil gally oil plugs reinstalled after the block was hot tanked?



Check to see the driver's lifter bank rear oil
Plug is installed too. Can look in through the distributor hole to see if it is. Large plug on the left side of the cam from the rear gains access to it too.