The things we do…

F7854D19-33F7-4ABE-9A10-E49B2F08B880.jpeg F7854D19-33F7-4ABE-9A10-E49B2F08B880.jpeg Well, for health reasons my stepdad couldnt make it to the show, but I kept on anyhow. My brother didnt get off the boat and to the shop til friday afternoon. Six 12 hour slogs on my part was all it took. A test drive last night was the first time the 55 hit the pavement since 1980, the first time either of us have ever driven or ridden in it.
I’m short on pics, but the show was fabulous. A true hometown hoedown. Engels Service Station still looks and operates like it did in 1951 and their pasture was full of cool rigs and old friends. Mission accomplished, and Larry is proud of us. Now to lie down snd sleep for a month. Cheers and thank you, everyone for you encouragement!