How much does temperature affect motor?

I finally had a chance to get the carb off the Dart and take a good look at it but I didn't have enough time to get it back onto the car to do any testing. I think I will have a chance at some point this week to dig into it again but as far as what I did on Saturday, I completely noticed my transfer slot were extremely long and I could not get them to close any more because the throttle arm wasn't seating on the idle speed screw
Long Transfer Slot.jpg
Idle speed screw.jpg
At this point I felt like an idiot because I have heard the "set transfer slot to square or just a hair long" a million times and had assumed I had already done it. I guess I just felt like I was close to the correct setting because the idle mixture screws did have a large effect on how the engine idled but I guess not.
I found an adjustment screw on the opposite side of the carb on the same arm that contacted the bottom of the choke assembly which was holding everything open. Turns out the little plastic arm on the back of the choke was broken anyway so I ended up removing the entire choke system since I basically had it set to remain open at all times.
Choke speed screw.jpg
At this point I gave the carb a good cleaning and made sure nothing was stuck/sticking and that everything that had a spring on it moved freely with good return pressure.
I noticed some damage to a couple of the threads on the side of the carb that hold the choke assembly and vacuum secondary canisters on the side so I want to repair those now that I have the carb on a table before dropping it back onto the car.