Megasquirt EFI Lean Cruise Reality Check

You’ll get no criticism from me. Your tuning method is right on. The least amount of throttle position required to maintain a given speed will accomplish the same result. I just don’t use the auto tune feature, (on anything really) except maybe when the map is dialed pretty well and other factors come in to play, (like altitude). I like the o2 to make small corrections to account for small variations. The reason I said to leave the fuel alone and just bring in timing is to eliminate variables and the ignition advance will lean it out a bit. But if the auto tune will automatically bring the AFR back to target, then get the cruise advance in, and then change the target to as lean as she’ll take without surging. I don’t like cruise afr much leaner than 15:1 or so, so you’re close. I don’t think there is much mileage to be gained going leaner.