Well another FML moment

How is speaking the truth an insult?.......are they not a socialist country? Since their emperor has had them on lockdown for the last year plus the people that I know that live in Canada all tell me that they basically live out of their basement......

I have no doubt everyone in Canada is not a "basement dweller" or "socialist". You seem to be ready to fling insults at anyone not ready to agree with you. I'm not back reading, but I don't think I've seen anyone insult you yet, only give a different opinion or two. As I said before, if you weren't ready for some to disagree with you, you shouldn't have posted this. You paid for a 300 dollar grille. You got one. It likely is "restored" compared to "how it was before". Have you seen before pictures? It doesn't look bad to me for 300 dollars. You've said more than once your car is "perfect". Your words, not mine. As such, you should have looked for an NOS grille.