clips to hold windshield reveal moulding

What did you try it on ? ? Also how are you getting them in & out ? I’ve been told and from what I could see taking them all apart the clips must go in before winshield a d can’t remove them or move them if windshield is installed ?

These are going on a 1970 Dart (2 door hardtop) and I think you are correct about having them in place before the windshield, especially if any serious non-hardening sealer was used when the glass went in (only way to keep front or back glass from leaking in my experience. This car was completely stripped out before it went to the paint shop so the channels are completely clean and in new paint, and now I'm reassembling the car. This particular task is waiting for new front glass from AMD, which is on backorder until mid September. I shouldn't have waited to order the glass until after I got the dash back in - my foolish mistake...

Would it be useful for me to post pics of the clips in place before the glass goes in???