Glass installer

its not difficult. remove old glass: remove lock strip and lather up the old gasket with smooth Gojo, or slice with a box cutter if you have a new gasket . Push out glass on corner or end with your foot from the inside. youll feel it start to peel away from the gasket. then have your helper assist from the outside. Do not pry corner with a tool! Insertion is gasket first with applicable sealer or dry. Lube it up again, put a string in the gasket and set the glass on top. try and flip the gasket lip over the glass with a plastic spudger or non marting tool. then you can use the string to pull out, running it out along the glass perimiter allowing it to pull the lip over the glass. it will settle right in. clean lube off and install lock strip if equipped. work slow and understand the gasket lip holds the glass in. You can use rhe plastic" trim tool " instead of the string method, just work lip over glass an inch at a time. I did my 14.4 square foot 65 Barracuda "Greenhouse" backlight with the spudger method and it worked without a hitch..LUBE IT!