Stop in for a cup of coffee

So Jodi is heading out to pick up the hound from the doggie hotel. She is washed, waxed and got a pedicure (nails clipped) I am super excited to get her home. Haven’t seen the dumb dog in a week or so. This is the longest I have ever been separated from her. I raised her from a rejected cast away LEO drop out. We have been inseparable for years. I did however learn a couple of things during this vacation. Number one: when you are done for the day and curled up in bed with a beautiful naked female do not utter the words “I am having trouble going to sleep without my hound”. Number two: when having a nice quiet evening meal with a nice red wine, never wonder out loud “ I bet Hemi would like our room” Number three:
When wife is hot tired and a bit dehydrated don’t ask for video clips from doggie hotel showing Hemi romping in pool. Number four: When walking thru hotel lobby and a fancy lady has toy dog of some kind in her purse do not explain in drunken baritone “ look baby, a chew toy for Hemi” No real emotional baggage here with regard to separation anxiety, nope, nothing. Just want my dog back! Hah!