Music today sucks!

Im 50. Raised on classical/classic rock and deviated in my early teens to punk and metal. I believe many of the younger crowd have been exposed to classic rock either through hearing it in a 'sample' and looking it up or outright being forced to hear it as thats what is being played in the house. There were stories that went along with the music like 'I met your mother at this show' or 'I saw these guys before they made it'. When I played my music as a young person it was noise. The older crowd didnt get it. I felt they made no attempt to get it. I was propelled even further from liking the classics as a result. The attitude of really not listening to music from different genres because its just that...'different' will continue to propagate an attitude of 'mine is better' .......but did you really listen? ....with the ears of curiosity? .....what is it about this song that strikes you? ..... But I get like what you like.