Stop in for a cup of coffee

So I got my cousin ( the marine mechanic ) a power steering pump and a window regulator for his 03 Ram 1500. he came by yesterday so we could install it all. Drank a lot of Beer and told a lot of lies. Turns out its the wrong pump, and it Sunday !!! Back up a minute. I had an intermittent issue with my Wifi and Cable TV since I've been home. So a Comcast tech came out last week and looked around. Turns out the underground line from the street to my building is bad/weak signal. He put in a temporary above ground, on the grass line, and ordered a burial crew for a new line. I saw my tenant in the driveway, same day I got the temp line, and showed it to him and discussed it with him at length. Back to my cousins truck. Pump is wrong so I'm on a Wifi call ( Verizon service at my house Sucks ). Im calling the Parts store. I hear the tenant cutting grass outside. I see the TV screen freeze in my shop, and my phone drops the call. I know immediately what happened. I walk outside, Shure enough he ran over the temp line and cut it in half. WTF ???? We just talked about this two days ago!! Says he forgot ??? This guy is in Intel and a Lt Col in the US Army.....I drove out to the Parts store to find the right pump, since no phone or Wifi here. When I get back, tenant tells me he called for Comcast service and they'll be here later today (yesterday). Well I got the right pump and also bought a splice kit for cable while I was out. Comcast never came, and I temp spliced the cable myself.. All that's just some ol Bullshit.... He Forgot ???:wtf::soapbox::mob:

As long as he remembers to pay the rent.:lol: