Music today sucks!

Yeah that Technics junk is heavy. I took the cover off one of the amps one day, to see if they maybe just bolted some ballast into there, but nope, just two big transformers....... and a lotta lotta other stuff.
I still got the SL1400 MkII

I didn't like the Sony much, it was down on base quite a bit. The Equalizer pumped it back up, but I felt bad about doing that. It was also down on output power, but the amp had that covered to.
Eventually, I went back to a magnetic cartridge and rocked the house.
I sold the Bose too. They had the efficiency, but lacked IMO, the clarity I wanted. And I just couldn't get a decent soundstage out of them.
And so I went shopping for speakers again.
Found a system I liked, Infinity Reference something but the $15,000 buy-in was way out of my league. So I started comparing all of the other speakers on my list, to those Infinitys. I was shopping for months.
The Energy 22s came out of left field, not even being on my list.
By now, I was "friends" with nearly every audio salesman in Winnipeg, and one guy turned me on to the 22s. So I demo'ed them back to back in his showroom, with the next Lower Infinities, and was blown away.
They did everything the Infinitys did except; they did lack a good bit of the very bottom of the bottom end, and they were a tad brighter on the top, and they sucked the power..... all of which my new audio equipment was able to overcome.
It would be several years before I felt the need for a subwoofer, which, conveniently, Energy now offered,lol..

I had run across the Fisher line in my travels, I don't recall if I ever gave them a chance. I remember the big Klipsh Corner-horns tho. But too big for my smallish 11 x 13 living room,lol.