Stop in for a cup of coffee

I only hit agree because there is not a super agree button. Countless cars damaged by that one offending issue.
Let see 'em.
I've seen more guys on this forum and IFSJA screwing themselves attempting to make this 'improvement' than actual ammeter failures that caused fires. Seen a few blame the ammeter, but with either no evidence shown or evidence to the contrary.
In fact, it got so bad at IFSJA I made a list of guys from just a few threads there which got caught in this chicken little scenario. I reposted that here a while back.
Bottom line is:
A. When there is a problem indicated by the ammeter, it needs to be dealt with.
B. Most home mechanics do not invest the time and money to produce wiring and connections that are equal to the factory connections. They're also unaware of the importance of wire support and strain relief.

IMO Anyone who beleives all of the car's power goes through the ammeter does not know enough about the system to be modifying it.
Drive in a vehicle with an ammeter and look at it now then and you will see that's not true.

Chris. You do what you want.