Leanna Needs Our Help

Didn’t expect this from a member who has been here since 2007....you must have seen some the positive stuff that’s happened on this site since you joined 14 years ago and seen all the help and support many, of which Leanna was a big part of....this is not a scam and nobody is being played! The people offering to help set this up and get it going are also good people and would never pull a scam.
Im guessing Bills post has been deleted as I cant find it. I've been a FBBO member since 2014 & here since 16 and Leanna has been nothing but genuine, gracious and is highly.regarded the whole time. I will tell you she did not ask for donations, she asked for extra work. It was the group that started the auction and donations.
Leanna spear headed an auction just like this for another member in need on FBBO and the shear size of it was pretty impressive but she stayed on top of it every step of the way.
And to be frank, its my opinion, a giving spirit should not be preoccupied with doubt of its legitimacy, but be of a cheerful heart without regret.
As on FBBO you guys are showing how awesome the Mopar family is. I am honored to be here with you all!.
By the way my next project will be a 67-9 Dart!!!